The first house before rebuilding.
The first house after work was completed.
Becoming Aware and Seeking to Respond.
When an earthquake hit the southwest coast of Haiti earlier this year, we considered carefully how best to help those affected. As a small organization, our best asset is our lines of communication with community leaders. So we talked to our partners at ACAD in Cap Haitien, and they suggested sending a pastor who has years of experience doing missions work in an area near Jeremie, Haiti, to find out what the people need. We learned that one primary need was housing, as many people’s homes were destroyed, leaving various families with only makeshift shelter.
Meanwhile, we heard about an organization building houses with a design that can withstand earthquake-level damage. This design is one Haitians have used for decades. Alternatively, more modern methods of design have not been as effective at surviving natural disasters. The older design uses locally-sourced materials - lumber, stones, sand and cement - to strengthen building panels.
Wall panels with traditional reinforced construction.
The Testing Phase.
After learning more about this method, we realized that this pastor could put together a team to conduct these repairs and build homes stronger than they were before. The pastor came up with a plan and selected a pilot house for repair. The first family to benefit is headed by a man who is blind and has six children. Work on the house began Oct. 7 and was completed in November.
There were delays to construction due to the turmoil in the country, which has strongly affected transportation, the supply chain, gas prices and labor costs. Then the pastor and the laborers became ill. But when their sickness passed, the project was quickly completed!
Expanding the Building Phase.
One key benefit to this project is the cost efficiency. A little goes an extremely long way: $1500 is the estimated cost of restoring a home!
Your gift is a seed that will foster the growth of a home that will be able to withstand natural disasters, better than before. Each contribution goes towards not just the home, but fostering a sustainable process for this community.
Contribution Supports:
Materials for the home that cannot be sourced locally
Labor costs of builders
Training homeowners around building and construction techniques, and employing traditional, decades-old methods of construction
Sustainability: using local materials for construction (ex: lumber, sand, stones)
Would you join us in building?
We invite you, loved ones, and your community to partner with us in rebuilding homes in this region of Haiti.
Could you, your club or your Bible study group put together $1500 to rebuild a home? Feel free to be creative in how you engage - for example, your church could hold a fundraiser or bake sale. Imagine your gingerbread houses and brownies helping to rebuild a home for a family.
We are grateful for your support. Please contact us if you would like a presentation to your organization.
Close-up of the doorway.