More than 10 organizations gathered in Ouanaminthe, near the Dominican Republic border, to present two weeks of events for what has become an annual mission led by La Chorale Misionaire de L’Eglise Wesleyenne de Cité Chauvel du Cap-Haïtien and Sister Perard Valbrun. Over 1,000 children received meals and teaching about God's love in two Vacation Bible Schools led by our Micheline Michel and Jocelyne Williams. 62 couples were married in a big party, with brides in lovely donated dresses and grooms in suits. There was a youth conference for the first time, led by HHH volunteers Kim Desremeaux and Elisabeth Michel. Micheline also led the women's conference. Apostle Haynes, a Hartford-area preacher and a great friend to HHH, joined Joseph Michel in preaching at evangelistic events. It was a big mission made possible by hundreds of volunteers from multiple organizations. HHH provided funding, supplies and leaders. Over 700 people committed their lives to Christ. Praise God for this time of abundant blessing!
Lunch served at Vacation Bible School.
A couple after the big wedding