1000 hungry kids are coming for VBS! You can help. / by Roseanne Krzanowski

Dear Friends,

 Hand to Hand for Haiti would like to thank all of you who supported our 2015 Vacation Bible School in Marmelade.

Last year, on the first day of VBS, we expected about three hundred kids to attend. Instead, approximately eight hundred showed up that first day, and about five hundred the second day. What a blessing it was to serve them!

 Currently, Hand to Hand for Haiti is getting prepared for its trip to Haiti in July 2016. This year, we will conduct VBS in two different places, Cap Haitien and Mirebalais, and VBS will last for two days in each town. According to the mission leader in Cap Haitien, we will serve about one thousand children. In addition, we will conduct a seminar for about 200 youths and another seminar for 300 evangelical leaders. 

 As part of our preparation for the trip, we need to ship supplies for the VBS and the seminars by the end of May so they can reach Haiti before we arrive in July.  We are in the process of collecting supplies, and we ask for your support in this endeavor. We are collecting supplies such as:

 Craft Materials and Educational Supplies

·         Construction paper

·         Alphabet beads

·         Lace (for crafts)

·         White paper for copies and printing

·         Markers

·         Rubber bands

·         Jump ropes

·         Glue

·         Craft Sticks (such as popsicle sticks or other sticks)

·         Coloring books

·         Washable paint

·         Paint brushes

·         Scotch tape

·         Tissue paper (such as for gifts)

·         Pencils

·         Pens

·         Notebooks

·         Masking tape

·         Scissors

Food Supplies

·         Snacks: crackers and cookies

·         Candies

·         Foam plates

·         Disposable Utensils

·         Pasta

·         Cooking oil

·         Cans of tomato sauce

·         Cans of tomato paste


·         Soap (for body/hand washing)

·         Toothpaste

·         Toothbrushes

·         Hand sanitizer

·         Feminine pads

·         Deodorant

Supplies may be dropped off at The Bible Church of Waterbury and other sites to be announced. Email handtohandforhaiti@gmail.com if you have supplies to donate. If you set up your own collection site, let us know.

As you can see, we are preparing to serve hundreds of people (well over 1,500); any free will offering will help to feed this multitude. The Lord Jesus commanded His disciples when they were worried about the hungry crowd: “They don’t need to go away. You give them something to eat.” (Matt. 14:16). Therefore, we know it is our responsibility to feed them, and we ask for your support as we attend to these needs. As servants of the Lord, we are convinced that it’s not your first investment in the overseas mission and we thank you so much for standing with the missionaries.

Monetary contributions are tax-deductible and may be made at our secure site.

 We are also looking for leaders who would be interested to go to Haiti to teach the youth seminar. If you or anyone you know would be interested, please do not hesitate to contact us.

 This year, the theme for VBS will center on the story of Jonah. If you have any craft materials that relate to this story, please let us know and we would be pleased to receive them.

 Thank you for your love, your prayers, and your continued support.

 May the Lord bless you,


Micheline Michel

Source: http://www.handtohandforhaiti.org